[Cross-posted from Communities and Collaboration Blog]
This blog post is to thank all of the participants (presenters and delegates) to the Knowledge Hub Data & Apps workshop that was held in London yesterday (27 April 2011). The workshop was used to establish the foundations for the “KHub Data and Apps Advisory Group”, who we are hoping will help us to shape the forthcoming data/apps developments for the Knowledge Hub.
As readers of my previous posts about the Knowledge Hub may be aware, the first (Beta) release will go live next month (May – exact date TBD). This represents the completion of Sprint 9 of 22, which delivers the collaboration tools and facilities (blogs, wikis, library, events, people-finder, library, web conferencing, activity streams etc.). [NB. Sprints are the functional elements delivered as part of an agile development process].
The remainder of the Sprints will be delivering key data intelligence/data management features, including:
1. Semantic Matching Engine
- Will match aggregated conversations, communities and topics to people;
- Will suggest connections between people
- Will recommend content according to explicit and implicit profile data
2. Data library/catalogue
- Can upload data/datasets in semi-structured and machine readable formats (e.g. Excel, CSV, XML)
- Can identify and catalogue external (e.g. open and/or linked) datasets
- Ability to create/edit metadata for each dataset (e.g. for provenance, licensing etc.)
- Datasets can be permissioned.
- Datasets will be indexed by the KHub search engine
3. Mashup Engine
- Allows users to combine or compare data (meaningful comparisons will require a common schema)
- Data can be ‘mashed’ using KHub-sourced data and external data sources.
- Support for data visualisations
- Features similar to mashup.org
- Will use open source mapping services
- Potential to provide index of SPARQL end-points
4. App Store
- Supports any app compliant with the OpenSocial standard
- Mashups developed on KHub can be simply added to the App Store
- Will include reviews and star ratings
- Support for free and commercial (licensed) apps
- Apps will be able to use data from both Khub (via an API) and/or external sources
Data Repository
- Requirements to be refined, but intention is to be able to support triple-stores (RDF/SPARQL) and XQuery/XML)
All of the above is scheduled to be developed and released between June and October this year. The Data & Apps Advisory Group will be instrumental in shaping these features and capabilities, as well as providing advice on the underlying support and operational procedures, and skills/training needs.
Initial outputs from the workshop are available on the Knowledge Hub Community of Practice (Data and Apps Advisory Group Theme).
Terms of Reference for the Data & Apps Advisory Group is in the attached PDF. If anyone with the appropriate skills and knowledge wishes to be involved in this group, then please let me know (add your expression of interest into the comments section of this blog).
I will post an update to this blog once the full report from the workshop is available.